Pierre Bernard

©Photography / Jacky Lepage
Born in Léopoldville, Zaïre in 1959, Belgian flutist Pierre Bernard took classical lessons at the Liège Music Conservatory, where he also attended improvisation classes with Garrett LIST. He obtained a first prize for flute as well as in chamber music.
He became involved in contemporary classical music, playing with SYNONYM, with Isabelle Pousseur performing Arnold Schönberg, Philippe Boesmans, Guillaume Orti, etc…
Becoming more and more involved in avant-garde jazz ensembles, he participated in the experiments of the KAAI club, and played with LA GRANDE FORMATION, with a.o. trombone player/composer Garrett List (CD Voyage)..
With pianist Erik Vermeulen’s “Icarus Consort” he recorded the CD “Into Pieces”
He played with “KD’s Basement Party” with pianist Kris Defoort, and was a member of the VARIATIONS ON A LOVE SUPREME project and CD recording of Kris Defoort and Fabrizio Cassol.
He recently participated in PARFUM LATIN (CD Parfum Latin) with Charles Loos and Anne Wolf, Henri Greindl and Jan De Haas.
He also played with : Michel Hatzigeorgiou’s Homage to Jaco Pastorius, Michel Debrulle’s band RÊVE D’ÉLÉPHANT with whom he recorded the CD “Racines du Ciel”, AKA MOON ELECTRIC, with whom he recorded the CD Invisible Sun.He is also a member of the band OCTURN with whom he recordedthe album “Round”.
He formed with pianist Véronique Bizet the duo BED AND BREAKFAST.
Artist on GAM Records
Happy Birthday
Tired of ALWAYS hearing the same old Happy Birthday recordings everyone else uses?
Here is an original, joyful, humorous, and wonderful alternative!
4 different takes on a jazzy birthday.
Enjoy and share with your close ones!